The greatest investment anyone can make into life is through information because the quality of your life will never be higher than the quality of the thought provoking information you acquire consistently. You cannot rise above the level of information that you have. Knowledge is vital to the achievement of any level of significance in life. Successful people do not wait for things to happen or watch things happen but they make things happen and eventually happen to things. Excellent footballers do not run to where the ball is, they run to where the ball is going.
Whatever business you are in, either online or offline,
you've got to constantly generate productive and MONEY MAKING ideas.
Have you've ever wondered how on earth those big corporations
and companies generate wonderful and irresistible products
plus powerful and revolutionary ideas, here are the 7
basic principle behind it all and the greatest of news is
that it can be applied to any business.
1. Pick up an existing product, add additional benefits and
offer it at the old price or at a cheaper price.
2. Strip an existing product to the basics and offer the
real substance at a basic price. Here is a very good
illustration. Thousands of great and free email services
exist on the web with great features but the truth is this;
only a fraction of the users really use all the additional
features and believe me, a lot get confused because it
seems so complicated.
Strip off all the "niceties" and offer a simple straight
forward and easy to use email. See what I mean?
3. Add speed of delivery to a basic product or service.
This is the number one reason why the Internet is such a
big "boom". Speed. Incorporate it in your new product.
4. Enhance design and packaging of a basic product.
5. Design an existing product to increase speed and reduce
stress. This is the one great reason why all those things
with the tag "instant" sell like crazy and it is the reason
why you have a microwave oven in your house!
6. Generalize a hoarded technology or idea. As an instance,
website design used to be reserved for professional web
programmers until someone came around and "burst" up the
whole thing with the "What You See Is What You Get"
programs. If you see an hoarded information or technology
in your field of business, "burst the bubble" and go wild
with your product.
7.Package a "something made easy".
Everybody loves it. If you can't find something you really need,
it means so may other people out there can't find it too.So create a product about it.
Creating great products that are not just good but also profitable is not so difficult. Just keep at these 7 tips until you reach a point where you can create product ideas effortlessly.
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